Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bus Blues

Somedays I reeally feel like I'm loosing my mind. And I probably am. No car and no job make Renetta go crazy. I'm not getting dressed today like I didn't get dressed yesterday. Got no place to go anyway and no car to get there if I did. I will get dressed tomorrow because I need to go into Ogden which means I will spend most of the day on the bus to accomplish one errand. I hate that. If I had a car, this drive would take me twenty minutes tops tomorrow for my errand. Instead it will take me two buses to get there and two buses to get back where I will spend more than 2 hours (nearly 3) on bus to complete an errand that will take me less than 30 minutes.

But that's not the most complicated or longest amount of time I've spent on the bus to accomplish something. It recently took me four buses, catching the first one at 6:30 am, to make it to a 10 am job interview. And the last bus still had to drop me a couple of miles from my final destination. There wasn't a bus that could get me any closer. I spent 3 hours and still had to to walk another 30 minutes to get to that job interview. Then I had to get home.

I was really hopeful because they had me come back for a second interview. Both interviews went very well. I wasn't a second late for either interview. And you can't tell me that I didn't want that job. I've been accused of not trying hard enough to find a job, that I'm lazy. Does that really sound like I'm not trying? Does it really sound like I'm lazy? I don't get it. I'm punctual, even without my own ride. I am a hard worker. I learn new skills quickly. I come with lot of valuable skills from my previous work experience and I have a Bachelor's Degree. I don't know what else to do to get someone to hire me. But it will be me and the bus again tomorrow.