Monday, February 25, 2013

No Pants

Dreams are the strangest things. And sometimes you have one that just leaves you thinking: What was that about? Where did that come from? And that's exactly what my dream last night left me thinking.
I found myself back in my mother's home in my old room. I was going back to college to get my masters and I had a math class to get to.
Now mind you, 2003 was the last time I even stepped foot back in Ohio and it's been much longer than that since I stepped foot in my mother's house. We're not close.
Yet there I was trying to get ready for my math class and my mother announces that she's getting married. Well I of course asked to who because I didn't know she was seeing anyone. She says Dale who is a friend of mine from here in Utah that she has never met and that isn't her type in any way shape or form because he's a white guy and my mother has always dated men of color.
Except I have my math class to get to. I couldn't make to her wedding and my math class at the same time. So I apologized because I couldn't ditch my class and I was going to miss her wedding. But she was fine, she understood.
There was just one problem. I couldn't leave the house because my pants and underwear kept disappearing leaving me in nothing but a large over sized sweat shirt. I would put them on, start to leave and poof, they were gone.
Now I wasn't embarrassed to suddenly find myself naked from the waste down, just mad. I couldn't leave the house because my pants and underwear kept disappearing after I put them on leaving me in nothing but that huge over-sized sweat shirt. It was really frustrating.