Thursday, July 30, 2015

Bernie Sanders

My daughter has recently become very interested in politics. Something I have always shied away from except for making sure I vote for the president every four years. I do believe voting is a civic duty as well as a right. And if you don't vote at all, you don't get to complain about how screwed up things are. And make no mistakes about it, things are screwed up.
  There are US citizens out there that will say "We're #1!" in a blink without giving it any thought or taking a real look at the state of our country. And when it comes to the best countries to live in, we're not even in the top ten. We're not making the cut. We are severely lacking in some very key areas like health care. Other developed countries that are beating us at being the best country to live in have health care for everyone. No one is going without health care in the 10 best countries to live in. A single payer health care system would mean my disabled children would have all the health care they need. I would have access to all the health care I need. No one would go without health care. If we are ever going to make it into the top ten of best countries to live in this is something we need and something we're long overdue for. My disabled daughter who I still look after shouldn't have to go get pregnant to get full health care through medicaid.
  I am so please when she takes the initiative on something because that's really hard for her. And she took the initiative to call in about her medicaid to ask about dental care she is in need of and I can't afford because I am barely managing to keep a roof over our heads. And the social worker she spoke to informed her dental and eye care are not covered for her unless she's pregnant. So basically what my disabled daughter was told, who still needs me to look after her, was get pregnant and we can care for you properly while you're pregnant.
  She's not capable of caring for a baby on her own. I still look after her! And I love children and I hope to be a grandmother someday. But she is not ready for a baby yet. She sometimes forgets to feed the cat.
 And the list of why the United States of America is not #1 is not a short list. Housing cost are out of control. The minority of rich people here are not paying their fair share in taxes. Trickle down economics does not work. It's a big failure. The only people benefiting from it are the people who had too much money to begin with and the rest of us are just getting poorer. They recommend getting a degree. That having a degree will substancially improve your job opportunities and that people with a bachelors will make a million more than people without.
  BULL SHIT! My red, white and black ass they do. I have my Bachelors of Science in Education with a concentration in Mathematics and I'm not doing any better than the average high school drop out. What can the high school drop out get that I can't? A job at McDonald's which will and has politely told me I'm over qualified. No, I didn't  go to college to work at McDonald's. But when you're desperate not to be starving and homeless, you get less picky about where you'll work.
  As a teacher, continuing education is required to remain certified to teach in our public schools. Except you don't make enough as a school teacher to keep going back to keep your certificate current. I made better money as a truck driver than I did as an elementary school teacher. But over the rode truck driving doesn't mix well with being the parent of two special needs people. And I can't afford to go back to school to either go back to teaching which I'll be honest, I'm not really interested in at this time, or to go back and pursue something else that would better fit with my responsibilities as a single parent of two special needs individuals. My daughter would love to go to college, but there just aren't enough grants available to make it affordable for her to pursue at this time. And accruing astronomical debt to do it is not an option.
  My credit is already shredded to pieces. I would love to buy a home that would accommodate all of us at the same time. But I can't get a home loan and there isn't any decent affordable housing available. And I have three people with special needs that need assistance, my daughter, my son and my younger brother. My younger brother and son are staying with my elderly mother in Ohio. She owns her home. Bought it before housing prices went through the roof. And her home is not in good condition. I worry that will burn down with them in it. I worry about that for the rental I share with my daughter that has an out of date electrical system.
  When we went to a small grassroots Bernie Sanders rally in Salt Lake yesterday, there was so much I wanted to say. I still haven't said it all. But it felt good to get say what little I did say. It was comforting and disturbing to know I wasn't alone. That my problems are not unique. And I hope and prey for things to get better as I do my best to prepare for the worst. And the last thing I'll say for this particular blog is - Help us Bernie Sanders. You're our only hope.