Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Shift Change

Last night was my first night to work my new shift at work. My previous shift began at 4am, which means I was getting up at 3am to get ready for work and drive there. Thank goodness I live close to work. When there's no traffic and the weather's good it's not even a whole 15 minute drive. I technically wasn't scheduled last night. But Kallie, my supervisor called me in, which eased a lot of my fears. I'm technically only scheduled for 2 nights this week at 4 hours each for a total of 8 hours which terrified me.

I'm the bread winner for my little family. It may be just me and my daughter here in Utah; and yet despite the fact she is technically an adult, she is a disabled adult who is still dependent upon me. I keep hoping to move into a full-time position. I understood that I would have to start out part-time and work my way up. I just didn't think a full-time position would take this long to move into. It seems most of the full-time positions are mostly supervisor and up positions. I really don't want to be a supervisor, but if that's what I have to do I'm open to it. I also keep applying to the MET team hoping to move to that team. They have a set day schedule and full-time positions that are just regular team member positions. It's an early shift that begins at 5am, but I'm okay with that.

The good thing is busy season is not too far away. In our area where we have a cold snowy winter, and there's a big slow down in winter. No one is outside working in their garden in a couple feet of snow. No lawns are being mowed. No landscaping is happening. And there's very little construction work taking place. So in March as things warm up, things get busy at work and I'm looking forward to that and the hours it will bring at work.

Winter is the worst time of year for me. Because while one can make do without central air or an air conditioner in the summer, one cannot go completely without heat in the winter. So there's the cost of heating to deal with while you're not getting enough hours at work.

But refund season is upon us. Yeah! I'm sure many people don't look forward to filing their income tax return because they know they owe. But for me it's awesome because I know I'm getting a refund. I'll get to make an appointment to get my hair done. I currently have about 4 inches or so of visible grey. I'm getting a little salty. And I'll stock up on some things that can get hard to buy the rest of the year; especially winter when things are especially tight, like dish soap, bleach, feminine products, personal hygiene products. We'll go out to eat someplace nice at least once, perhaps Denny's. That might not sound like a big deal to some people. But for us getting to eat at Denny's is a big treat.

Then there's things that I have to make sure get done like a visit to the dentist for both of us. Cherry needs new shoes. I need new bras. And the vehicle needs emissions, oil change and a good once over just to ensure it's going to continue to run for me and I'll get any work that needs to be done on it taken care of. And since I've already had my annual emergency with it that they had to help me out with at work, I'm not expecting anything serious with the vehicle right now. Knock on wood.

It so sucks to be poor. But I'm hoping the changes happening at work will bring good things my way. Nobody is perfect, least of all me. And there's no such thing as the perfect job, but I like my job and I love the people I work with. I doubt they have any idea how much they mean to me. When I'm finally able to relocate, I'm really going to miss them.