Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Refund Time!

Whoot! Whoot! Got my W2 a couple of days ago and I already did my return and e-filed it. And as soon as it gets here, guess who's making an appointment at her favorite salon. This guy!

But the return doesn't mean I get to go on a spending spree. It will make things easier for a few months. Several if I am extremely careful with it. But there are things that need to be done with it like maintenance on my Exploder. The annual oil change is due along with emissions testing for plate renewal. And Exploder needs new shocks all around. Meant to get shocks last year, except other repairs were more necessary first.

The other thing I hope to do this year is relocate, and not just to a better rental. I'm looking to relocate out of Utah and it looks like I may land in Nevada. I was originally thinking Colorado, but things have gotten ridiculously expensive there and I want to finally purchase my first home. I'll never be able to afford to buy a home here in Utah.

A friend of mine recently bought his first home here in Utah. $130,000 and it needs all kinds of work. To me if you're coughing up at least $80,000, it should be at least livable with all the essentials not significantly out of date and over due for replacing. What you would need to spend here for a fixer-upper, in Nevada the same fixer-upper is about half what it is here.

Many people are happy and content to stay where they were born their whole lives, and I probably would have been too if things beyond my control didn't make it more likely for me to be murdered by my own mother back home in Ohio. I certainly didn't have big dreams of moving far away when I was young. But you do what you have to do to survive sometimes. My survival required me to leave Ohio and I can't go back there to live.

So after I've received my return, I'll start looking into transferring to a Home Depot in the Las Vegas area. Then I hope to finally buy my first home. Cross your fingers, say a prayer for me and wish me luck.