Sunday, April 2, 2017


I'm feeling a little numb. But I guess numb may be better than overwhelmed and upset. I was quite upset last night when I went to bed. I was mostly worried and scared. I am worried about being able to survive here properly. I've never lived in a big city like this before. Every time I leave the apartment to run an errand there are no shortage of homeless people walking about. They even dumpster dive in our dumpsters here at these apartments. And I guess it terrifies me because I know how easy it is to find yourself homeless. You don't have to have done anything wrong.

People who have been fortunate enough to have never have been homeless always assumes it's the homeless person's fault. But how is a child responsible for their homeless state? How is a mentally ill person who can't keep track of the day of the week responsible for their homeless state? How is the unexpected loss of a job one's own fault? How is a job transfer failing to go through properly one's own fault? Or the company you work for failing to explain the transfer process clearly one's own fault? I don't even think it's the alcoholic nor junky's own fault they're homeless. It's our society's fault.

We're number one my red, white and black ass.

We have a lack of safety nets here for catching veterans, those who are mentally ill etc. for keeping them from falling through the cracks and ending up homeless. We spend too much money on the military for jets and fighters that sit in hangers getting dusty. And it looks like it's only going to get worse before it gets better.

In the mean time, all I can do is try to keep a roof over our heads. Keep calling the local Home Depots hoping someone gets sick of me calling and puts my transfer through. It's not a fun thing to be going through when your dad just died.