Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's All A Big Joke

Sometimes I wake up and asks God why am I still breathing. After being unemployed for over six months I can't stand it. And I can't even draw unemployment because both of my last two employers were non-profits which do not pay into unemployment. So, I'm just SOL.

I've managed to stretch my meager savings out this long, but it really can't be stretched any further. I had a job interview yesterday, but I won't know until the end of next week if I got it or not. At this point it's hard to be optomistic. I got laid-off last December. Then my car broke down in January and it's still sitting at the shop.

Somewhere someone has got to be having a good time at my expense. Must be fun watching me struggle, watching me question my own selfworth, my own faith in myself, God and humanity. It's a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Sometimes people will say, "One day we'll all look back at this and laugh." Well, I don't think so.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gold Dust

Me and my baby, we don't have much, but we've got love and beautiful dreams.
It's just like gold dust blowing in the breeze.

We work hard, even though it doesn't get us far.
Chasing that gold dust in the breeze.

Sometimes we're sad. Sometimes we're so blue, but we've got each other, and the gold dust blowing in our dreams.

Is it all gold dust blowing away from me?
Is there a happily ever after for those that dare to dream?

We want for so much, but all we have is our dreams.
I hope it's not just gold dust blowing in the breeze.