Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's All A Big Joke

Sometimes I wake up and asks God why am I still breathing. After being unemployed for over six months I can't stand it. And I can't even draw unemployment because both of my last two employers were non-profits which do not pay into unemployment. So, I'm just SOL.

I've managed to stretch my meager savings out this long, but it really can't be stretched any further. I had a job interview yesterday, but I won't know until the end of next week if I got it or not. At this point it's hard to be optomistic. I got laid-off last December. Then my car broke down in January and it's still sitting at the shop.

Somewhere someone has got to be having a good time at my expense. Must be fun watching me struggle, watching me question my own selfworth, my own faith in myself, God and humanity. It's a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Sometimes people will say, "One day we'll all look back at this and laugh." Well, I don't think so.

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