Friday, January 28, 2011

Boogie Man

I had the strangest nightmare the other night. Usually if there are actors in my dreams they are people I have the hots for like Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel or Keanu Reeves. But Charlie Sheen and John Cryer were in this dream.
So, me Charlie and John are in Africa I think, definitely somewhere hot, dry and deserty. We are on some kind of treasure hunt and have found this ancient tomb full of ancient text. And we have stopped for the night. It was an isolated two room hut where a woman and her two or three children resided.
Now, the tomb said that it should not be read before going to bed. But apparently we're so smart we read from it anyway just before retiring for the night.
As we began to lay down on straw mats on the dirt flour, Charlie became violently ill and died. But we weren't anywhere near where we could get help, so we tried to go to bed again.
This time John was attacked and bitten by a big mother-loving black spider of some kind. And I'm not sure if he was just unconscious or dead. But again, we're very isolated and there's noway to get help until morning.
So now this woman and I lay back down to try to get some rest. Her children are sleeping peaceful in the second room of the hut, and neither of us, me or the woman, are falling to sleep quickly.
We're barely a foot away from each other on the floor. Close enough that I feel her begin to tremble and I realize we're not alone and what ever else is in the room is not friendly. I have my blanket over my head as it begins to crawl over me.
It stops with one hand on my sleeping mat by the right side of my head and I can hear it breathing. I grab it's forearm and feel very dry desiccated flesh. Then it says to me in my mother's voice "Bad children awake at this hour come to hell with me."
Damn was I scared. It had my mom's voice. But I managed to say, "There are no children here. Go back to hell where you came from," and I broke it's desiccated arm. Then I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.
My mother's voice was the scariest freakiest part.

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