Sunday, September 13, 2009

Assistance Please

I'm still job hunting and my car is still at the shop. The good news is my car is running again. The bad news is I don't have the money to pay for the repair. Total for an engine and suspension work: $3,186.86, OUCH! I got laid off back in December. I ran out of savings like a month ago and had to apply for public assistance.

Where am I supposed to come up with 32 hundred dollars? My car broke down back in January and it took them till last month to get to it. Now, I'm hoping they don't sell my car out from underneath me while I try to see if I can get a couple of agencies to split the bill. Problem is no one wants to cough up that kind of money for an old car. Except me because Betty is my baby. I'm open to suggetions. What do I need to do? Post a donations accepted here sign. Lay in the middle of the rode screaming, "I'm a single mom! Please, help me!"

Your guess is as good as mine. And there's nothing like good old reliable public transportation, NOT! Three different buses and two plus hours for something that should be a thirty minute ride sucks.

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