Thursday, July 4, 2013

We Live in a Sad Pathetic World

I'm not a holiday person. I don't go all out and do a lot of decorating or a lot of cooking. But I had been looking forward to this particular 4th of July. Didn't have any spectacular plans except to spend it with my daughter, Cherokee. I promised to take her to see Despicable Me 2. I told her to find a mantinee because those are cheaper than the evening showings. Of course she found the earliest showing there was and woke me up at 8:15am when I was planning on sleeping in a little later.
Now, my daughter's not a little girl anymore. She's a twenty year old woman with Asberger's Syndrome which is a form of Autism. Hence it's my own fault for not being very clear with her that I meant early afternoon and not first thing in the morning. But no problem, I got up and found the energy to drag myself out of our apartment to see the movie. We just grabbed McDonald's for breakfast on the way.
I'm a big Despicable Me fan so I think I was looking forward to the movie more than my daughter. We talked a little during the previews and commercials in normal tones because they were just previews and commercials. And the second the movie started we got quiet except for laughing at the funny parts. I'm sure people that people who make movies are hoping to elicit reactions from people; laughing when it's funny, crying when it's heart breaking, etc. And there was a part where a car drove off a pier and after submerging turned into a submarine. Cherokee and I said to each other in a relatively hushed, "I want a car like that." Not long after that an attendant came and told us we were being too loud.
I was shocked. Too loud? We were barely speaking to each other because we were watching the movie. And when we did speak, except for laughing out loud, it was a whisper. Well, that ruined it. I couldn't enjoy the movie after that. I was afraid to even laugh when something funny happened.
I was so upset.
You want to know what the problem really was. We weren't being loud. That father that was there with his wife and kids thought we were lesbians and was afraid that every time we leaned close to whisper to each other we were going to make out in front of his children. So he tried to get us thrown out of the movie. What a sick perv! To assume we were a lesbians and that we were going to make out in front of his kids.
Regardless of sexual orientation, anyone should be able to go to a movie and not get harassed for it. Next, if I was going to a movie with my honey and I was hoping for some tongue action, I wouldn't be at a cartoon.
We still did a few of the other things we planned to do today for the 4th of July. I made us hamburgers and bought us a water melon. I picked a good one too. Thumping and sniffing don't work, or at least they don't work for me. You've got to check the stem. If the stem is completely dried up brown and crusty, you've found a ripe melon. If it's still got some green to it, not ripe yet.
We planned to go to the fireworks that will be just a few blocks from our apartment, but I can't do it. I don't want to be near any people. I'm afraid some jackass will come up, accuse me and my daughter of being lesbians and I'll go to jail for kicking his ass.
It's a sad pathetic world we live in when you can't just go to a movie with your own child and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Should have kissed my girl on the cheek just to piss them off good.. lol! Keep your head up girl!
