Saturday, March 8, 2014


03/03/14, I turned 25 again for the 19th time. 03/07/14, I was fired for the first time in my life. I admit, I wasn't loving the job. I was there nearly three years and I can tell you from experience, working in a call center is not a dream job. But it paid the bills, was keeping us fed and was keeping us from being homeless. March's rent is paid for, but my lease isn't up until May and I don't know how April and May's rent is getting paid. Don't know where we're going to live after that either.
Getting fired sucks! Especially when you didn't do anything wrong. I don't have bad attendance and I don't have any drug nor alcohol issues. I used to smoke cigarettes, but I quit years ago.
Basically, I'm fired for not making quota. They track every second of your work day and that is literally down to the second. You're micro managed to the point it's insane. Every call is recorded and I think they should be, but not just anybody can pull up a previous agent's call and listen to it. So you're totally dependent upon the notes to know what was offered or not offered and you have less than twenty seconds to get those notes on the account once the call ends if you didn't get them on the account while you were on the phone with the customer. If it takes you longer than twenty seconds, you're in After Call Work and that's bad.
So I was a customer retention agent. When I originally moved to being a customer retentions agent, I was told there would be no selling and that there would be all kinds of offers available for me to use to save customer's accounts with. Except that turned out not to be true. Added to the already over complicated job of customer retention was Bundling and I wasn't selling enough bundles nor was I saving enough accounts because the price of DTV went up again 02/06/14 and even long-term customer accounts in excellent status suddenly weren't having decent offers available to offer to customers. When you've been a loyal customer for 10 or more years and there's only a $5off for 3 months or a $5off for 6 months available, that's insulting.
Folks, please be patient with those agents when you call in for assistance or you're looking for discounts. Those accounts are complicated, much more complicated than the bill you look at every month. And an agent cannot give you a discount that doesn't exist on the account. So if it's not in add/change services for them to offer, they can't offer it and they do NOT have the ability to create it for you. You are simply SOL, as am I.
It's 4:40 am and I would normally be getting ready for work at this time. But I am up and wide awake with a tension headache. I took a pill to get to sleep last night. Normally that little pill knocks me out within 15 minutes, but I was still awake for more than an hour after I took it. Then I still only slept for a couple of hours after I finally fell to sleep.
Like the Team Lead told me that fired me, sucks to be me.

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