Thursday, November 26, 2015


This time of year with all it's many holidays is a depressing time of year for me. I find people's sudden generosity curious. Why can't everyone be generous all year round? People are suffering and starving all year round. People get all bent out of shape about taking the Christ out of Christmas when Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday. It's a Pagan holiday that celebrates the winter solstice. If you were paying attention in Bible Study and take a look at the events that were taking place around the time of Jesus' birth, none of the events taking place were occurring in December. None of that was even happening in winter.

It burns my toast that so many people follow so blindly without question because that's what their parents and grandparents did. My mother did a lot of drugs when she was young. Should I have done them too? My mother's father and her bothers were drunks. Should I be a drunk too? I'm just saying; hey, pay attention and think for yourself.

Christmas has become so commercialized it's lost its true meaning. We have generations of Americans that believe you show your love by buying stuff. Mommy and Daddy love me so they're buying me a car for my sixteenth birthday. As if a sixteen year old is capable of appreciating such a gift.

You know what I appreciate? The fact that everything didn't get handed to me. I appreciate that I learned to work hard, take care of myself and be independent. No sense of entitlement lives here. I bought my first car myself. And because I earned it myself, I appreciated having it.

And my daughter feels the dinner I made for the two of us today is lovely. It's just the two of us so there's not a big turkey. She doesn't like turkey anyway. We do have a small two pound turkey loaf. More than enough for the two of us. Since she doesn't care for turkey, I baked two lemon pepper chicken breasts. I made one of her favorites, a big pot of cabbage soup. And I fried potatoes, made stuffing and gravy. And there's a pumpkin cream pie in the freezer for desert that she's complaining about because she doesn't like pumpkin pie. But it's a cream pie so I think she's going to like it. If she doesn't, more for me :)

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