Saturday, August 20, 2016

Conspiracy Theory

I saw today where the FDA approved Oxycontin for children as young as eleven years old. Oxycontin is a powerful addictive Opioid like Morphine. Morphine is so dangerously addictive it is often only used to ease pain for those who are terminally ill. And they approved giving something like that to children. WTF?

They know that adults often become addicted to these prescription narcotics and that it can lead them to heroin abuse. But now they're not going to wait till we're adults to turn us into drug addicts. They're going to get us hooked while we're children.

During lunch last night at work there was some talk of conspiracy theories. This year's upcoming presidential election has us all scared. And as the only woman at the table I was mostly quiet, mostly taking in what the guys were talking about. A secret government. Billions of dollars and gold just missing. That 9/11 was no accident nor a terrorist attack. But I have my own conspiracy theory.

I believe there are multiple exclusive factions vying for control of the world. These factions are made up of small groups of obscenely rich and powerful elites. And each faction is trying to take over the world in a different way.

The oldest way, religion. Some people are sheeple and need someone to lead them around by the nose. They need religion to tell them how to be good little boys and girls and don't know how to be good honest human beings without it. And I find it just sad and pathetic that you need to be threatened with hell fire just to be a decent human being. But that doesn't work with everyone. Some people reject all religion because it just doesn't make any logical sense to them.

Money is the root of all evil. Money is just another form of slavery. People have allowed themselves to be enslaved to this imaginary thing. And even those of us who see clearly that it's imaginary, are slave to it because you can't do a damn thing in our world without it unless you live totally off the grid and make and grow everything you need yourself. And not many of us can live like that anymore. We simply don't have the survival skills for it. Many millennials can't even fry an egg or sew a button back on. But there are people that reject it and live off the grid while others of us are looking for ways to eliminate it because it's not real any damn way.

The war on drugs. What a crock of shite. Marijuana with all the good it can do is still illegal. Still classified as a schedule 1 drug like Heroin and LSD even though it's not addictive. It can actually be used to help people recover from Heroin addiction along with many other uses. But you could grow it easily in your own back yard. They don't want that. They can't control that. But if they get you hooked on their prescription drugs, that gives them a lot of control over you. So they're looking for the best drug to get us addicted to and trying to figure out just how young we have to be to start using it in order to control us fully and keep us slaves.

Then there's trying to find a way to engineer a group of subhumans that will happily work their asses off for a little praise and a cookie. Plus, they know they're destroying the environment and these subhumans could also serve as cattle. Where did I pull that one from? Zika virus. They are trying to create people who can work their asses off but aren't smart enough to see they're just slaves and will just accept orders without question.

First faction to master their particular form of slavery wins control of the world!

Religion and money are the two oldest. Those two factions just need to give it up. You simply can't control everybody with either of those nor by combining them. Drug addiction will never work completely either because there will always be those who are drug resistant naturally while others will develop a tolerance to the drugs that will make them useless.

The last one though does have me worried. Because they have already done an excellent job of dumbing us down. Too dependent upon electronics, microwave meals and no real survival skills. Lots of children are being born with autism and now suddenly we have to worry about these babies born with the zika virus. They may finally succeed with this one because most of us have no desire to go live off the grid. We trust that the water coming into our homes is safe to drink. We're constantly breathing pollution. We're too lazy to hold onto a piece of trash until we find a garbage can. ADD, ADHD, Tourettes Syndrome, OCD and mental illnesses such as racism keep us from paying attention to the world around us properly. I think we're screwed.

I got off of work about six am and it's going on three pm. I need to get some sleep. But I often suffer from insomnia. As you see above I have a very busy mind. And I believe giving strong narcotics like Oxycontin to children is just wrong. And if a doctor prescribes such a thing for your child, you need to find a new doctor for your family.

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