Thursday, October 8, 2015


I love being a mom. It's the best job in the cosmos and I get paid in hugs, kisses and I Love Yous. Some days are better than others. Some days are trying and I just want to pull my own hair out. But most days are good and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I hate to pay full price for yummies. Yummies are not a necessity but they're nice to have once in a while. I usually go grocery shopping by myself. But yesterday my daughter, Cherokee, went with me. I prefer to go by myself because when she comes with me I buy things I would normally walk past without even looking at them because they're not anything we need.

As a single mom, money is always extra tight. And I've gotten pretty good at pinching a penny until it squeals. I'm not cheap. I'll spend extra of the imaginary money stuff if I feel it's worth it. But I am a tight-wad out of necessity. And I say No so much. No, we can't afford to go a movie. No, we can't afford that video game. No, we can't afford to go out to eat. No. No. No. I hate saying No so much, but what choice do I have. I have to make sure there's a roof over our heads and that we're not going to starve.

So since she wanted some yummies that neither of our backsides needed we went to the discounted stuff because I'm not paying full price for fattening yummies. We bought some assorted discounted doughnuts and we each had one last night. But when I got home from work this morning I found that several different doughnuts had a bite taken out of them.

Some parents may have gotten mad. But I just laughed. It's not like I don't know who did it. There's only one other person in the apartment other than myself. But I laughed and shook my head. When I asked her about it she said she was trying to find the best tasting one. I just smiled amused and shook my head.

There's no point in getting mad. In her Autistic mind it mad perfect sense. And I get it. Who wants to eat a yucky tasting doughnut. If it's yucky. It's not yummy. And the whole point in buying yummies is that they're yummy.

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