Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bad Timing

I just must be one of those people with perpetual bad timing jumbled in with if I didn't have bad luck, I would have no luck at all.

I came here to Thornton, CO for a job interview and I aced the interview and got sent for a drug test. I know the drug test will come back spotless. My fix for that is don't do drugs. And I won't eat anything with poppy seeds, it'll make you test positive for opium.

So all I needed to go with my new job is a new place. Except there was a flood just last September and all the 13,000 plus people who lost their homes to the flood have taken all the affordable rentals. And home owner's insurance never moves fast enough in situations like this. And if they didn't have flood as part of their home owner's insurance, then they're screwed.

What this means for me, is any rental that is available is way outside of my price range. Everything in my price range has a two to five year waiting list. So it looks like I'm going to stay put in Utah for another year. I'm still going to need to move by the end of May. We can't afford to keep our current apartment on just Cherokee's SSI and a little unemployment for me while I continue to job hunt.

Last time I lost a job in Utah, I was laid off and it took me 2 stinking years to find that crummy job at Convergys that I hated. Heavenly Parents please, don't put me through that again. So I guess what I'm hoping to do at this point is maybe with the help of the manager at the Home Depot here, I can start at a Home Depot in Utah and then in a year's time, maybe things will be more back to normal in the Thornton, CO area rental wise and I can transfer and relocate then. Sound like a plan?

If you have any better ideas, let me know. And no it can't involve me moving back to Ohio. Luv U Fred. Keep us in your prayers.

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