Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cold & Scared

Not much in my life ever goes smoothly. I guess most of the big life or death stuff has gone better than could be expected. I was born healthy without complications. I had healthy pregnancies with my two children and gave birth naturally both time without any pain meds.

So hear I am just outside of Denver, CO, be-bopping around trying to get to know the area before my job interview this after noon. My drive over from Utah went smoothly. Still wish the Exploder was better on gas.

I found my self in the Colorado Welcome Center/Rest Area last night. Can't afford a hotel, need to keep gas in the Exploder. It was the first time I ever saw a rest area with signs posting a limit on how long you can park there. I didn't find that very welcoming at all. Despite the lighting, it was still dark enough that I couldn't see the signs properly and I was afraid a police office was going to come along and make me move in the middle of the night. Then I found I had grabbed the wrong sleeping bag, so I had my son's old sleeping bag which is kid sized and it got pretty cold last nigh. I didn't want to waste gas letting the exploder idle through the nigh so I could have heat, but I had to start her up twice in the middle of the night. Plus my daughter didn't answer the phone when I called to check on her last night. Between worrying about my daughter, worrying about being moved along by the police and freezing temperatures with the wrong sleeping bag, I did not sleep well.

I'm so glad to have found a Burger King so I can take advantage of the free Wi-fi.

So everyone wish me luck on my job interviews and on house hunting. Finding an affordable reasonable priced rental is going to be a challenge here. If I get this first job I'm interviewing for, I may find myself with a bit of a commute because it's in a more expensive area than we can afford. Keep us in your prayers.

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