Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My Brain Hurts.

I have come to the conclusion that there are certain things that one should not be trying to do all at once. Like trying to find a new job and a new place at the same time. To top it all off, my Exploder has developed an oil leak. And because of the way the darn thing is put together, I'm looking at about $1200 to have it fixed properly. I'll check with a couple of different shops and get the best deal I can get on it, but this is just one more thing that I didn't need right now. I've got too much on my plate as it is.

My brain feels like jello, warm goopy jello that's growing a bit of mold. If I was a person with a weaker sense of self, I'ld be drunk right now. But no, I'm sober and being a good girl when all I want to do is run away and hide from all of this. And I can't even get a decent hot shower to relax in where I live at for the moment. If we don't find something soon, I don't know where we'll be after the end of May. And I don't want to burden anyone with us.

I think that saying that the Lord doesn't give you more than you can bear is a load of crap. I cannot think of any scriptures that verifies that. I think I need to put this down. Normally this is a good way for me to vent but my head is splitting. I've survived to skull fractures and I usually have a dull headache that I'm used to living with. But this is unbearable. It's like something is trying to pry my skull open from the inside out.

Keep us in your prayers.

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